2,5 stars.Written in 1913
Maurice could have made a history if the author had had the courage to publish it at
that time. A story of a homosexual upper middle class Britain set in the early 20th Century! And then a bizarre HEA! With his idea and the main message - the acceptance of a human nature -
E.M.Forster was for sure ahead of the times.

Unfortunately 100 years later it didn't exert the greatest impression on me. Along with the main characters that I didn't fond of too much, to my problems belonged the old-fashioned language and very clinical and emotionless writing style. I would have probably never managed to finish this book if I wasn't convinced by my friend Irina to put the book on hold and watch the movie. I followed her advice and really enjoyed it.

Having been armed with proper visuals I gave the book a second chance. And I'm glad I did it. The story became more emotional, entertaining and more compelling toward the end.
But something important, something essential, that makes a book to a personal event, that makes a book attractive and interesting for me was still missing.
I wish, I could say that I enormously enjoyed it but, sorry, I didn't. Confusing at times and lacking in eroticism and passion - I just wasn't feeling it.
For me it had more a kind of educational character, a historical document.
But I would highly recommend you
the movie.