Why I really enjoyed [b:Murder in Pastel|26400713|Murder in Pastel|Josh Lanyon|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1442071229s/26400713.jpg|46403968] - beside the writing that has never been disputed - is the scenery and the atmosphere of Steeple Hill, a small seaside artist's colony.
But we have also a complicated mystery here: a disappeared painter, a disappeared canvas(it happened twice!), more than one dead body along the story and enigmatic family's secrets.
It was spectacular how the author managed almost every single person in Steeple Hill to have skeletons in their cupboard. I couldn't guess until the very end WHO DID WHAT and WHY.
And because I have a weak spot for writers as MCs, I liked the romance part as a matter of course.
A very JOSH LANYON's novel. IMO.**Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
This review has been crossed posted to Gay Book Reviews.