3,5 stars. Rounded up to 4 stars.I think that the main reason why I couldn't love it more, was nonexistent surprises.
I don't think that you can find a single reader, who has never heard about the Trojan war and Achilles. And because my mother was always a big fan of the Greek myths, she told me a lot of tales and legends in my childhood. So yes, I ALREADY KNEW how it ends when I started it. I'm not a re-read person, and even if I reread a few books, it happens really very very seldom. I need this surprise-effect, even by very predictable books.
I was curious to find out how the author made the ending, having chosen Patroklos first person POV. Where will the story ends?
Madeline Miller created a very atmospheric and beautiful historical novel, from a different perspective. But something was missing, *sight* because even if I enjoyed reading it, it didn't determine my everyday life, how it normally happens with a great book.
But I'm a softie, and yes, I sobbed through the last parts of the book, And the fact, that I already KNEW the final of Achilles and Patroclus didn't make it easier.